
InBox DynamicFieldTable

Version 6.1.32

Creation date 2018-08-21


This module allows the creation and editing of a table-type dynamic field.



The following versions of the Znuny Framework are supported:

  • [6.x.x]


The following modules are required:

  • InBox Core 6.34.11 or superior

Operational system

The following operating systems are required:

  • [None]

Third Party Software

The following third party software is required:

  • [None]


bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ DynamicFieldTable-6.1.32.opm


This module does not offer any configuration. But it makes it possible to bring the table in a notification or response, using tags. For this, it is necessary that the following settings are enabled in the OTRS:






This setting defines whether list type column options will be sorted.


This setting defines the list of ticket fields that will be taken into account when activating the "create summation row" option in reports.

  • Dynamic fields must follow the field_name pattern.
    • Ex: Quantidade Materiais_Quantidade


Use process TransitionAction MultiTicketCreateByTable

This custom transition action aims to create a ticket for each row inserted in the DynamicFieldTable.

To do so, configure the transition action as in the example below:

  • Transition Action Module: MultiTicketCreateByTable (Required)

  • DFTableName: Inform the name of DynamicFieldTable used (Required)

  • For the ticket to be created with parameters present in the DynamicFieldTable column, insert the prefix #DFTable_ in the value and then the name of the column in the DynamicFieldTable, for example:

    "Queue -> #DFTable_Fila Setor"




Dynamic field creation

On the dynamic field registration screen, enter the general information for the dynamic field.


Field Configuration

In the field settings, columns and their name, type, default value and editing permission can be configured.


It is possible to create fields of type:

• Date: creates a date selection in the table;

• List: creates a select in the table. The select has user-defined options on this screen. When selecting this option, a “Content” text box appears. The select options must be separated by “;” as in the following image:

• Monetary: A field with configurable monetary format will be displayed in the table (more details in: Mask Settings);

• Numeric: Creates a field that accepts only numbers in the table.

• Text: Displays a simple text field in the table;

• Text (Mask): Creates a text field in the table with a configurable mask (more details in: Mask Settings).

The column editing permission can be setted to:

• All: Both agent and custumer can edit;

• Agent: Only agent can edit;

• Customer: Only customer can edit.

To create a new column just click on the “+” icon in “Add Column” as in the image below:


Mask settings

There are two types of mask settings:

• Text: Loaded when creating a column of type Text (mask). When selecting this type, a list will be loaded with all columns that already have this type of data in the table. The list has the name of the column and below a select with 4 pre-defined formatting types: CEP, CNPJ, CPF and Telephone.


• Monetary: Loaded when creating a column of type Monetary. When selecting this type, a list with all the columns that have these types of data in the table will be loaded (below the list of text masks). The list, as well as for text masks, has the column name, but below there is a text box to insert the prefix for the mask, for example: R $, U $, EUR and etc. This field is free text, so any text entered in this field can be used as a prefix in the table.


It is possible to configure whether this field will accept negative values ​​in the table, by default it is set to "No". To allow negative values ​​just select "Yes". Mask settings (for both text and currency) are not mandatory.

Summing Configuration

It is possible to select columns to be added in the table. First of all, it is necessary to enable the sum of columns option in the select “Add columns”. By default it is set to "No". When selecting as "Yes" a multi-selection box will be displayed below with all columns with data types that can be added together.


The data that can be added are:

• Monetary

• Numeric: The column selection box automatically loads for any column that has one of these two types of data. When changing the configuration of the columns, it is necessary to select the columns to be added again.

Note: It is recommended to select which columns to add after configuring all columns to be displayed in the tables. It is also possible to configure the sum of lines. By default it comes as "No", when selecting as "Yes" it will add a column "TOTAL" at the end of the table with the sum of the columns already selected in the column sum configuration.


Another option available is column operations, where you can configure a mathematical operation between the columns, it obtains the sum of the columns and performs the operation the result can be saved in an existing text-type dynamic field, which is listed next to the operation .


The operation must follow the following pattern: Enter <> the name of the column you want to use as an operator and thus assemble the entire operation.

Setting editing permissions

It is possible to select the states in which this table cannot be edited by the user. To do this, in “Editing permissions” in the field administration, select in the checkbox all the states for which the table will not be editable. All states registered in the OTRS will be listed in this field.



When adding a new statistic, a new Object Type - DynamicListStatsTable will be available:


Save the stat to be able to use it.

Then, on the X axis, select the desired attributes and also the attributes with the name of the table type dynamic field.
